Join us for the Texas Conservation Alliance annual meeting on September, 29 and September, 30 at the River Legacy Living Science Center in Arlington, TX! RSVP here.
Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30
River Legacy Living Science Center
703 NW Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX 76006

4:00 PM, Friday 9/29 - Tour of River Legacy Trails
10:00 AM, Saturday 9/30 - Birdwatching, Native Planting Activity
1:00 PM, Saturday 9/30 - TCA Annual Meeting
Please RSVP to help plan for a FREE lunch.
North Texas Giving Day is September 21
Communities Foundation of Texas' NTX Giving Day is September 21. You can support TCA from anywhere in the state from now through the big day! Click here for the Texas Conservation Alliance page, or click on the button below.
Your donation protects rare Tallgrass Prairies in North Texas.
TCA advocates alongside landowners in the Little Wichita River basin to protect it from Lake Ringgold, a proposed reservoir near Wichita Falls that would drown more than 1500 acres of rare tallgrass prairie and inundate this special river and its forests. Stand with us and support protecting tallgrass prairie habitat this North Texas Giving Day!
2024 Wildlife Calendar Available for Pre-order
Endangered and Threatened Species of Texas
TCA's excited to open the presale of our Endangered and Threatened Species of Texas 2024 Calendar. Join us in protecting the Lone Star State's precious wildlife and order this stunning calendar featuring original artwork of an endangered/threatened Texas animal each month, created by a TCA board member, staff, intern, or volunteer!

Pre-order now for only $20, with complimentary free shipping or local pickup. Calendars will ship by the end of September or can be picked up at TCA's Annual Meeting on Sep. 29 & 30, and at Wild Birds Unlimited on Oct. 6 & 7.
Upcoming Community Conservation Events
October 6 and 7
October 28
September 11 thru November 30
T-Shirt artwork created by David Todd, TCA Board member.